A Photo of a High School Football Field at the inzone

High School Football Coach Resigned after using “Nazi” for a play

Published: September 27, 2023
By: Jeremiah Wilson

An Ohio high school football coach resigned after his team used offensive language against a predominantly Jewish school.

In an event that has echoed through the Ohio high school football community, Tim McFarland, a coach from Brooklyn High School, tendered his resignation following a regrettable incident of antisemitism during a game against Beachwood High School.

This incident involved the improper usage of the term "Nazi" as a play call, a deeply offensive act given that Beachwood's population is predominantly Jewish. Despite ceasing to use the term in the second half of the game, the Brooklyn team allegedly threw other racial slurs at Beachwood players, further escalating the situation.

Brooklyn Schools Superintendent Ted Caleris acknowledged the incident with a public apology, expressing regret for the harmful speech. He confirmed that any such behavior would not be tolerated within their school community. The school is also planning to use resources from the Anti-Defamation League of Ohio to prevent such incidents in the future.

Beachwood Schools Superintendent Robert Hardis expressed his disappointment, stating that this was not the first occurrence of such offensive behavior against Beachwood student-athletes. He affirmed that they hold onto hope that it will be the last.

The incident has underscored the importance and urgency of fostering an environment of respect and understanding within high school athletics. The repercussions of such incidents are far-reaching, impacting not only the individuals involved but also the wider community. As the situation continues to unfold, the focus remains on healing and education.

Big Germ of The 614 Club

About Jeremiah

I'm passionate about exploring different aspects of life, discovering new things to do, sharing news, and supporting local businesses and talent. I've traveled extensively throughout the United States, but there's no place like home. I love the 614 area and I'm excited to share all the hidden gems it has to offer. Thank you for being part of our amazing community!

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